Breadcrumb BISA 2025 Conference About the conference Reserve a meeting room Reserve a meeting room Indicates required field Your details Title First name Last name Institution/Company Your email Phone number Booking information Name of event Preferred date of booking Please select a dateWednesday 18 JuneThursday 19 JuneFriday 20 June Preferred time of booking Please choose a timeMorningLunchtimeEvening Rooms will be predominately allocated either before 9am, during the lunchbreak, or after 6pm when the main programme for each day has ended.Please note that meeting rooms will not be available on Thursday lunchtime. Number of attendees Organiser role Organiser role Please choose a roleWorking Group ConvenorExhibitorOther… Enter other… Booking purpose What is the purpose of the booking? eg. Reception, meeting Is catering required Yes No This question is for exhibitors only. We are unable to provide catering for working groups, however delegates can bring refreshments into the meeting (as long as all rubbish is removed).Catering for exhibitors will be invoiced. Any other requirements? Do you need poster boards, flip chart etc? These may incur extra costs. It is essential that we know all your requirements at the time of booking. The information you have provided on this form will be held by BISA electronically and will only be used in connection with your room reservation. The details may be shared with employees at the relevant conference venue, and with the BISA 2025 organisation committee, where this is necessary in order to provide the provision you have requested. The information will be kept securely online until after the 2025 conference has taken place. CAPTCHA Leave this field blank